Data Net Blog

Data Net Blog

Data Net has been serving the California area since 1983, providing IT Support such as technical helpdesk support, computer support, and consulting to small and medium-sized businesses.

I have worked actively in the Information Technology field since 1983. My certifications and work experience includes Cisco, Citrix, Intel, Microsoft, Veeam and VMware. I have spent much of my professional career training and supervising IT and other line of business processes.

Improving Business Requires a Consistent Approach

Improving Business Requires a Consistent Approach

Building business strategies that actually work to promote productivity has to be a core consideration for every business. Some business owners will try about anything to get there, and their stories will get other business owners to try them out, often with much less success. One of the best ways to build more productive and sustainable business processes is to ensure that they are repeatable. Today, we’ll discuss how building more consistency can really benefit your business.

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Secure Your Data with Backup and Disaster Recovery

Secure Your Data with Backup and Disaster Recovery

Part of being a successful entrepreneur is having a positive mental attitude. After all, pessimists wouldn’t make it far. Stats, however, tell a story regardless of a business owner’s perception.  Statistically, most businesses will have to deal with some sort of “disaster”. That is: a situation where your business will be very much at risk. For this reason, we recommend BDR.

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Tip of the Week: How to Avoid Losing Your Tech While Out and About

Tip of the Week: How to Avoid Losing Your Tech While Out and About

Even before the COVID-19 pandemic forced many businesses into implementing remote operations, such work had been rising in popularity for a while. As a result, this only makes it more important to consider remote work as an option, particularly as the need to socially distance remains pressing.

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Best Practices for Keeping Your Passwords Secure, Yet Memorable

Best Practices for Keeping Your Passwords Secure, Yet Memorable

As the preeminent form of security online, passwords are currently the most important frontline defense to get right in your organization. However, many people often cut corners with their passwords to ensure they don’t forget them, recycling them across their many accounts. Let’s go over a few ways to help your team create secure passwords that they can commit to memory without shortchanging their efficacy.

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Let’s Get Started with Google Drive

Let’s Get Started with Google Drive

Google Drive has been around now for over eight years, and in that time it has established itself as one of the best cloud platforms available to consumers. What we thought we would do is give those who are unfamiliar with it, a little introduction to the platform.

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Lost Your Mobile Device? Here’s the First Four Things You Need to Do

Lost Your Mobile Device? Here’s the First Four Things You Need to Do

If you’ve found yourself in the position where your smartphone or tablet is missing, you need to act fast. Time is of the essence, particularly if you have reason to believe your device was stolen. Whether someone absconded with it or you simply forgot it at lunch, here are the critical steps you need to take now—whether you’re an Apple user or on Android.

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Rethinking Your Business’ IT Strategy Can Have A Lot of Benefits

Rethinking Your Business’ IT Strategy Can Have A Lot of Benefits

“Doing things the old-fashioned way” isn’t often how a managed service provider will operate, but in some respects, this really is the best course to take with your IT, at least in terms of strategy. Let’s consider some principles and best practices that have largely remained the same even as time has changed.

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Cloud Hardware is More Popular Than Ever. Here’s Why

Cloud Hardware is More Popular Than Ever. Here’s Why

Each business uses a certain amount of technology to get things done, but today, no technology is as important to businesses as the Internet. You’ve begun to see businesses of all sizes spending thousands of dollars a month on Software-as-a-Service platforms designed to get workers the tools they need without placing undue pressure on a company’s capital budget. Today, we will talk about another cloud-based platform that is growing rapidly: Infrastructure-as-a-Service.

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Solid State is a Solid Choice for Your PC’s Main Hard Drive

Solid State is a Solid Choice for Your PC’s Main Hard Drive

If you are buying a new desktop or laptop, one of the specifications you might care about is how much data it can store. After all, your family computer needs plenty of storage for your photos and documents, and if you have kids, they’ll want to install games and other applications on it that fill up a hard drive. These days, however, it’s less about how much space your hard drive has and more about how fast it can run. Let’s explain this, and then talk about something you should almost always look for when picking a hard drive for your PC.

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Tip of the Week: What to Do Before You Lose Your Mobile Device

Tip of the Week: What to Do Before You Lose Your Mobile Device

It isn’t as though anyone wants to lose their smartphone—for some, the very thought is almost debilitating. However, accidents can happen, so before one does, it only makes sense to put yourself in the best position to deal with a lost mobile device. The process for doing so will differ based on whether your device operates on Android or iOS.

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Considering the Status of Net Neutrality in 2021

Considering the Status of Net Neutrality in 2021

It has been made very clear over the past few years—last week in particular—that the political atmosphere in the United States is particularly prickly, to put it mildly. One contested subject has, however, flown under the radar in recent months: net neutrality. Let’s reexamine the situation surrounding net neutrality and what is likely to come about with the new administration.

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Why Software Patches Can’t Be Back-Burnered

Why Software Patches Can’t Be Back-Burnered

Your software is an important, even crucial, part of your business’ security considerations. After all, a software title with security issues could be the access point that hackers and scammers need. This is precisely why software updates and security patches are so important to keep up on. Let’s consider this in a little more detail.

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How We Expect Business Technology Will Behave in the Future

How We Expect Business Technology Will Behave in the Future

If there was anything for businesses to learn in the past year, it had to be the importance of operational flexibility—after all, a raging pandemic tends to keep people out of the office. Now, with multiple vaccines in production, it seems apparent that these restrictions will soon be eased… but will any of the changes in business operations remain, even after they are necessary?

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What 2021 Should Hold for 5G

What 2021 Should Hold for 5G

2020 was a big year for the wireless industry. The start of 5G, while hotly anticipated, was kind of a flop outside of some select places. Today, we thought we would discuss the changes and considerations that the telecoms are going to have to confront in 2021.

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3 Apps That Are the New Face of Collaboration

3 Apps That Are the New Face of Collaboration

Collaboration is central to most business’ production strategies nowadays. It’s no secret that businesses are doing more with less and in order to coordinate resources that are stretched thin, companies are looking to collaborative software titles. Today, we will briefly go through three of the most popular collaboration apps to give you an idea of what they can bring to your business. 

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What Are “Best Practices,” Anyways?

What Are “Best Practices,” Anyways?

We talk a lot—a lot—about “best practices” regarding IT and technology. However, it has come to our attention that not a lot of people necessarily know what this means, especially when it comes from an MSP. We wanted to take a few moments and go over what best practices are, and why it is important that they have a presence in your business’ IT.

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How to Resolve the Most Prevalent Security Threat to Your Business

How to Resolve the Most Prevalent Security Threat to Your Business

If I were to ask you what you believed was the biggest potential threat to your business’ future, what would your answer be? The correct answer for most is the risk that an employee might let in a threat—intentionally or not. Let’s investigate how this might happen, and what you need to do to stop it.

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We All Just Saw the Largest Cyberattack Ever - Here’s What You Should Know

We All Just Saw the Largest Cyberattack Ever - Here’s What You Should Know

Based on how the rest of the year has gone, it should come as no surprise that 2020 has come to an end with the news that the United States was targeted in the largest cyberespionage attack ever. Let’s go into what this attack signifies, and what we should all take away from it.

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Non-Technical Solutions for Team Collaboration

Non-Technical Solutions for Team Collaboration

There is no denying that “collaboration” is one of the biggest business buzzwords right now… and for good reason, since it is a prerequisite for any business seeking to compete in its market. Let’s take a different tack than we usually would and consider some of the non-technical elements your business needs to incorporate to encourage collaborative work.

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IT Hard: A Reimagined Christmas Story

IT Hard: A Reimagined Christmas Story

During this time of year, many people like to sit back and reminisce upon favorite stories from the past. We figured we’d join in the fun by reimagining what many argue to be a holiday classic: Die Hard.

Let’s take a few moments to consider how the story might play out if the action were to take place today…

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Artificial intelligence has become one of the most talked-about technologies throughout every sector of society. It’s being widely used in business, education, and civic life. We want to focus on the latter element and discuss how the U.S. Department...

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2445 5th Avenue Suite 200
San Diego, California 92101