Data Net Blog

Data Net Blog

Data Net has been serving the California area since 1983, providing IT Support such as technical helpdesk support, computer support, and consulting to small and medium-sized businesses.

I have worked actively in the Information Technology field since 1983. My certifications and work experience includes Cisco, Citrix, Intel, Microsoft, Veeam and VMware. I have spent much of my professional career training and supervising IT and other line of business processes.

Now is the Time to Seriously Consider Managed IT

Now is the Time to Seriously Consider Managed IT

So far, 2020 has been a bust, especially for businesses. The challenges that business owners have seen this year have been considerable to say the least: not only have there been economic and political tensions creating roadblocks, we’re now all dealing with the ramifications of an actual pandemic event. If any business is going to make it through all this, there needs to be a few shifts in how business technology is handled from this point on.

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Reviewing the Best Practices of Good Mobile Device Management

Reviewing the Best Practices of Good Mobile Device Management

With Bring Your Own Device and other more mobile tools becoming more and more common (especially with the number of people working from home right now) the ability for a business to retain control of their technology and their data is critical. To accomplish this, Mobile Device Management is an indispensable tool.

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Cloud Computing Has Value, but May Not Be Right for You

Cloud Computing Has Value, but May Not Be Right for You

If COVID-19 didn’t already jam up your business’ progress enough after five months, it seems as though the new normal is going to include replacing onsite hardware with cloud-based alternatives. At first glance, the presence of hosted platforms comes as a godsend to the business who doesn’t want to commit large amounts of capital to a hardware refresh. The cost of cloud computing, however, could actually be a major problem for your business. Today, we’ll take a brief look at the hardware choices you have and where the value comes from.

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The Pandemic Has Brought Some Positive Progress

The Pandemic Has Brought Some Positive Progress

It is an unfortunate truth that not much can be said about the current pandemic that’s “positive.” Frankly, it’s hard to be positive, let alone laugh, despite how important it is that we are and do. We wanted to help fix that, so we’re sharing a few benefits of the situation we’re currently experiencing to take some well-earned comfort in.

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How a Content Filter Can Become Complicated

How a Content Filter Can Become Complicated

So, as the boss, you’re concerned about your employees wasting time, especially on the Internet. However, you can’t exactly keep them off the Internet, as that’s where their work is done. With distractions like social media, streaming, and literally everything else out there to draw their attention away, how can you hope to compete?

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Ransomware is a Nasty Thing to Get

Ransomware is a Nasty Thing to Get

Chances are, you’ve heard the term “ransomware” before. If you’re familiar with this particularly nasty bit of malware, the rest of this blog will be a familiar review. If you’re new to the term, let’s introduce you to the mean-spirited cyberattack known as ransomware.

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If an Email Subject is Urgent, Be Skeptical

If an Email Subject is Urgent, Be Skeptical

Important Update! Urgent! Expires in 1 Day! Confirm your Email Now! Your Password Has Been Stolen!

This type of messaging is often used in some of the most disarming phishing emails. As a business owner, you and your staff need to be vigilant when it comes to catching these scams.

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Switch the Hosted Email to Save Money

Switch the Hosted Email to Save Money

Email is one of the most common communication tools used by businesses, but not all options are as good as others. For this week’s tip, we’re recommending that you embrace hosted email in your own operations. Here’s why.

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A Basic Look at Collaboration Solutions

A Basic Look at Collaboration Solutions

As technology has improved, the capacity for businesses to operate has risen along with it. In no place is it clearer than in today’s collaboration solutions and the utility they can now offer. Let’s examine what collaboration solutions are, and how they benefit the businesses that adopt them.

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How Your Employees Could Be Scammed Right Now

How Your Employees Could Be Scammed Right Now

With all that has been going on concerning COVID-19, many businesses and their employees are experiencing no small amount of anxiety as their position appears to grow more and more vulnerable. Whether your employees are working remotely, or are in-house under strict rules, there’s a chance that they are seeking some additional means of making money. Unfortunately, opportunists are taking advantage of people just like them in this unsure time.

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Tip of the Week: Our Favorite Lesser-known Keyboard Shortcuts

Tip of the Week: Our Favorite Lesser-known Keyboard Shortcuts

There is no denying that the keyboard shortcuts we use are handy. Of course, you have the old cut, copy, paste standbys, but there are others out there that are helpful as well. For this week’s tip, we wanted to pay attention to a few other shortcuts you may have a use for.

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What to Look For in Your Business’ Wi-Fi Router

What to Look For in Your Business’ Wi-Fi Router

Your business depends quite a bit on its wireless connectivity, which means that your choice of router is an important consideration. Let’s review some of the key points that you need to remember as you select the router that best fits your needs.

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How Your Business Can Take Advantage of the Cloud

How Your Business Can Take Advantage of the Cloud

The cloud has proven exceptionally useful to businesses in a variety of ways, as it offers a means for these businesses to continue accessing their crucial tools and solutions. Let’s examine a few utilities that your organization could receive via cloud services, and how they would benefit your processes.

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Tip of the Week: Securing Your Business’ Wireless Printers

Tip of the Week: Securing Your Business’ Wireless Printers

When you consider the security concerns in your office, you may not think to include your printers in your deliberations. You should, simply because your printers could be an access point into your network without the right protections. That’s why, for this week’s tip, we’re going over how to improve the security around your printing infrastructure.

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Four Critical Business Network Security Tools

Four Critical Business Network Security Tools

I truly hope that, despite everything that has created challenges for businesses in recent months, I don’t need to remind you of the importance of your organization’s cybersecurity. Let’s consider the solutions that you need to ensure your business remains protected throughout this crisis, as well as any others.

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Be Careful Not to Set this Image as Your Wallpaper

Be Careful Not to Set this Image as Your Wallpaper

What would you think if I told you that you could break your smartphone by setting the wrong picture as its background? Well, you had better start thinking it, as a photograph has been discovered that has precisely that effect when it is set as the wallpaper. Let’s unwrap this admittedly crazy story to get a better handle on the situation.

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Tip of the Week: Creating a Twitter Thread

Tip of the Week: Creating a Twitter Thread

While one wouldn’t think of it immediately, Twitter is an important communication tool for businesses to use to reach their audience. While the brief-message format may seem like an obstacle to some, Twitter offers a feature that can sidestep this apparent shortcoming. For this week’s tip, we’ll go over how you can create a Twitter thread.

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When Did Waving Become a Part of Business Meetings?

When Did Waving Become a Part of Business Meetings?

With so many businesses still relying on remote collaboration to keep their workers healthy and productive, video conferencing has become the norm. However, as this kind of communication has become more deeply incorporated into our lifestyles, new tendencies have arisen in how we communicate. Let’s delve into some of these developments.

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Everything You Need to Know About PCI Compliance

Everything You Need to Know About PCI Compliance

Nowadays, every business accepts payment cards. To protect people’s personal and financial information when conducting transactions using credit, debit, and gift cards, the companies that stand to lose the most if these transactions are compromised: Visa, Mastercard, Discover, and American Express, have implemented industry-wide compliance regulations. This regulation is called PCI DSS, short for Payment Card Index Digital Security Standard. Let’s take a brief look at this regulation.

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Why Remote Employees Can Feel Overworked (and How to Avoid It)

Why Remote Employees Can Feel Overworked (and How to Avoid It)

While many people who were afforded the option have likely grown used to remote work at this point, that does not mean a business that adopts it can do so with complete impunity. One considerable issue that many remote workers have been experiencing is a sincere issue of overwork, believe it or not. Let’s examine why this is a problem, and how you can address it in your own business.

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Artificial intelligence has become one of the most talked-about technologies throughout every sector of society. It’s being widely used in business, education, and civic life. We want to focus on the latter element and discuss how the U.S. Department...

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2445 5th Avenue Suite 200
San Diego, California 92101