Data Net Blog

Data Net Blog

Data Net has been serving the California area since 1983, providing IT Support such as technical helpdesk support, computer support, and consulting to small and medium-sized businesses.

Don’t Lose Your Company to a Disaster

Don’t Lose Your Company to a Disaster

Even when everything is going well, running a business can be challenging—all of that is to say that things are especially difficult when everything starts to go wrong, particularly in the realm of business continuity. While nobody likes to imagine the worst-case scenario, we always like to say that imaging the worst-case scenario can help you prepare for it, and it can take the sting away from dealing with it.

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Positive Redundancy Protects Your Business

Positive Redundancy Protects Your Business

You may have seen us use the term “redundant” on this blog often, and if you are not necessarily familiar with how it might be used in the context of business technology, we understand how you could misconstrue the word in a negative light. However, redundancy is one of the most important concepts to understand in business technology, and it’s key to your business’ continued success.

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3 Simple Problems Most Computer Users Will See

3 Simple Problems Most Computer Users Will See

Sometimes you might experience computer trouble and wonder when it’s time to call in the experts. After all, you don’t know how much you might break your budget, right? Depending on the issue, you might be able to resolve it yourself. We’ve put together three of the most common computer repair scenarios that you might encounter and how they should be handled.

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Worry Less with Managed IT Services

Worry Less with Managed IT Services

Look, we get it; technology management is not easy, especially for small business owners who already wear a lot of hats. The last thing you want to do is add even more to your plate when you already have so much going on. That’s why we offer managed IT services to SMBs in the area. But what if we told you that managed IT services aren’t just for small businesses, but for all types of companies and organizations? Let’s discuss why this is the case.

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Vendors Can Really Waste Your Time

Vendors Can Really Waste Your Time

As a business owner, you have relationships with your vendors that must be cultivated and maintained in some way on the off chance you need them for support. However, working with vendors can be stressful and downright frustrating at times. Let’s examine a specific situation that demonstrates these challenges and what you can do about it.

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Integrating New Hardware Doesn’t Have to Be Difficult

Integrating New Hardware Doesn’t Have to Be Difficult

Your business might find itself in a position where it needs new hardware. You must make educated decisions about which hardware to acquire and when, but unless you are a tech guru, you probably need a hand figuring out how to get the most value. 

That’s where we come in.

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Your Business Can Benefit from RICE Prioritization Framework

Your Business Can Benefit from RICE Prioritization Framework

You may have heard of the RICE prioritization framework for developing new products, but we believe that it can be applied to not just products, but also to services and even project implementation practices. What is this framework, and how can you use it when developing new ideas for your business?

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Mixed Signals About Remote Work from Microsoft

Mixed Signals About Remote Work from Microsoft

Now that many of us have been working remotely for the past 18 months, what are your thoughts on the concept of a remote or hybrid office? Have your opinions changed at all, or are you still clinging to your previously conceived notions of what it would be like? It does not help that some major companies, like Microsoft, are sending out mixed signals on their own experiences with remote work. What can we learn from these experiences?

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3 Really Good Reasons to Prioritize Data Backup

3 Really Good Reasons to Prioritize Data Backup

One of the most important solutions for a small business to implement is a data backup and disaster recovery system. It is a crucial element of any business continuity plan, yet many organizations fail to implement one in an appropriate manner. Let’s discuss three of the best reasons you must consider data backup and disaster recovery now before it’s too late.

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Should Your Business Consider the Four-Day Workweek?

Should Your Business Consider the Four-Day Workweek?

The traditional 40-hour workweek feels like a staple in the business world, where employees work 8 hour shifts and then head home for the day. This was not always the case, however, and there can be a case made that even the 40-hour workweek should be adjusted to at least some degree. Let’s take a look at the modern workplace, how it has changed, and how it can still be changed to better employees of all levels—including you.

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Make Strategic Decisions Better with a Virtual CIO

Make Strategic Decisions Better with a Virtual CIO

Many businesses simply do not have the resources or budget to hire technicians to perform regular maintenance on their systems, let alone someone who is managing the technicians behind the scenes. The chief information officer, or CIO, is the one who would normally make these calls, but businesses that cannot hire an in-house CIO for whatever reason have the option of hiring a virtual CIO.

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Managed IT Services Brings A Lot of Value

Managed IT Services Brings A Lot of Value

When it comes to your business technology, you shouldn’t settle for anything less than the best. Unfortunately, technology is one facet of running a company where many business owners feel they have the least amount of control, perhaps due to its many moving parts and overwhelming complexity. The question becomes one of how you want to approach managing your business’ technology and finding the right skill sets to do so.

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4 Ways Your Business Can Prepare for Hybrid or Remote Operations

4 Ways Your Business Can Prepare for Hybrid or Remote Operations

The future can be unpredictable at best, especially in today’s times. You never know when your company will suffer from circumstances beyond your control, whether it’s a disaster that uproots your office or a pandemic that forces your entire workforce to transition to remote operations. Thankfully, even in today’s trying times, technology presents opportunities to overcome these challenges.

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3 Reasons You Need to Invest In New Technology

3 Reasons You Need to Invest In New Technology

Upgrading technology can often come with risk. While you might get some return on your investment, will you get it back fast enough to actually make that investment worth it in the end? How can your technology solve problems that your company experiences, and how do you acquire the capital necessary to make significant upgrades? If you dig too deep into the details, you might find that it is difficult to move forward with these major decisions, preventing you from leveraging these amazing benefits. Here are four signs that will give you an idea that it’s time to upgrade your technology.

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Best Ways to Get the Most Out of Your Point of Sale System

Best Ways to Get the Most Out of Your Point of Sale System

Many small businesses that provide goods or services have a Point of Sale, or POS, as the primary workstation. As such, many of the business’ core processes run through it. These systems have a plethora of great features that are built right into them, and if you fail to take advantage of them, you could be wasting valuable time and resources.

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How to Keep a Disaster from Ruining Your Business

How to Keep a Disaster from Ruining Your Business

When we discuss business continuity, the generalization “disaster” could mean just about anything that halts normal business operations. How does your organization respond to an actual disaster, one that can potentially destroy your business completely? Let’s take a look at some of the ways your organization can prepare for these circumstances to keep your organization from an unfortunate demise.

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You Need to Actively Support Your Employees

You Need to Actively Support Your Employees

We don’t believe for one second that employees want to do the wrong thing; after all, they work for you for a reason, that reason being they want to do the job you hired them to do. Unfortunately, technology can often make it so that this process becomes difficult. If you don’t invest time and effort into ensuring that your team’s technology and resources are available when they need them most, you risk them choosing unproductive or even unsecured work methods.

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Strengths-Based Development Can Take Your Business to New Heights

Strengths-Based Development Can Take Your Business to New Heights

Imagine that you are a kid again and you get low marks on a test in school. The natural response from your parents and teachers is that you need to double down on studying for that subject, as it is clear that you struggle with it. The same can be said for any professional shortcomings, such as public speaking, interpersonal communication, and other performance-based skills. But what if we flipped this concept on its head and focused not on what our deficits are, but instead where our strengths lie?

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Unpacking the True Value of Managed IT Services

Unpacking the True Value of Managed IT Services

Small businesses are often in a precarious position with technology management, struggling with budgeting and acquisition of new technology as well as the difficulties that come with hiring top talent. Thankfully, they have an ace up their sleeves that allows them to stay competitive: managed IT services. With a great managed service provider helming their technology strategies, small business owners have a lot less to worry about than they might otherwise… at least in terms of their technology, anyway.

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Don’t Let Data Backup Concerns Hold Your Business Back

Don’t Let Data Backup Concerns Hold Your Business Back

Your business is not unique in the sense that it stores and transmits data during its day-to-day routines. Whether it’s financial information for your clients or employee records, it is more than likely that your business holds some kind of critical data that your operations rely on throughout the workday. Would your operations be able to recover from a sudden loss of data?

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Artificial intelligence has become one of the most talked-about technologies throughout every sector of society. It’s being widely used in business, education, and civic life. We want to focus on the latter element and discuss how the U.S. Department...

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2445 5th Avenue Suite 200
San Diego, California 92101