Data Net Blog

Data Net Blog

Data Net has been serving the California area since 1983, providing IT Support such as technical helpdesk support, computer support, and consulting to small and medium-sized businesses.

To Reopen Safely, Business Will Need to Embrace Technology

To Reopen Safely, Business Will Need to Embrace Technology

COVID-19 has most small businesses in the United States over a barrel. On the one hand, reopening too soon could help the virus resume its spread, waiting too long could put an organization’s entire future in jeopardy. Fortunately, with the right technology at their disposal, businesses have a better option.

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Managed Services Help Solve Problems Businesses Currently Face

Managed Services Help Solve Problems Businesses Currently Face

Only a few months into the year, it has been made abundantly clear that 2020 will be considered one of the tougher years for business in recent memory. With a pandemic leading many, many businesses to scale back drastically (if not shut down outright), there are many things that are bound to change. To give your own the best chance of survival, there is perhaps no more appropriate time to consider a change over to a managed approach to IT services.

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Get the IT Support You Need For Less

Get the IT Support You Need For Less

The COVID-19 pandemic is one of the most remarkable situations that will happen in our lives. Unfortunately for businesses, mandated stay-at-home orders for non-essential workers have pushed a lot of the work that typically was done in the office to employees’ homes. This has necessitated many businesses to make a quick digital transformation.

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What COVID-19 Has Meant for SMBs

What COVID-19 Has Meant for SMBs

COVID-19 has been pretty rough on the small business. Millions of businesses have either been forced to suspend or alter operations. Today, we wanted to point out that you may be distracted with a lot of things, but your business’ cybersecurity efforts need to be a priority.

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Does Miscommunication Increase with a Remote Workforce?

Does Miscommunication Increase with a Remote Workforce?

The rise of the remote worker was happening long before the Novel Coronavirus outbreak made it necessary. People in all manners of positions were working remotely, and succeeding in doing so. Many organizations that have embraced the remote worker have seen noteworthy rises in productivity. In fact, many organizations have seen a lot of success using predominantly remote workers. 

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Outsource Your IT for the Best ROI

Outsource Your IT for the Best ROI

Your business runs on technology of all types. That’s why it is so important to have knowledgeable and reliable IT technicians whose job is to keep that technology running effectively. Finding the right IT support for your company’s needs isn’t as straightforward as you may think. There are costs, reliability, and coverage variables to sort through and after those determinations are made, it is up to business owners and managers to ensure they are getting value from their choice in IT support. 

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Shadow IT Is a Problem, or Is It?

Shadow IT Is a Problem, or Is It?

There has been a lot made about business network security over the past couple of years. One variable you often hear about is the danger that businesses face from the prevalence of employee-downloaded software on their network. This is what we call Shadow IT, and it can be a real problem. Conversely, under the right circumstances it can be a clear benefit too. Today, we’ll take a look at Shadow IT.

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Strengthening Communications for the New Year

Strengthening Communications for the New Year

A quick Google search for “the most important thing for a company to be successful” kicks back a huge number of results - with answers ranging from “effective team management” to “sales skills” to “good decision making” to “strong relationships.” What do the vast majority of these answers have in common? They all rely on effective communications skills. Considering this, it seems prudent to encourage the kind of communication that nurtures success.

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The Benefits of Co-Managed IT

The Benefits of Co-Managed IT

As a general rule, necessity dictates when a business upgrades the technology, they use each day. Sometimes it is because the tech they have been using can no longer support their needs, and sometimes, the solutions that are utilized simply aren’t efficient enough to keep up with operations any longer. New technologies may be adopted as a means to increase productivity, while others may actually be required by government-mandated regulations.

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What We Mean By “Managed Services”

What We Mean By “Managed Services”

As a managed service provider, we realize that it may not be totally clear what it is that we do, exactly. To resolve this, we wanted to devote a blog to review what we provide to businesses like yours, and how our services can benefit you.

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How Can Customer Relationship Management Elevate Your Business?

How Can Customer Relationship Management Elevate Your Business?

Businesses deal in relationships. They have to create a relationship with their clients and customers to keep them coming in the door, whether they are serving other business needs or consumer ones. Of course, it can be hard enough to manage all of the relationships in one’s personal life… how can one possibly add business relationships into the mix?

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A BYOD Strategy Can Make a Huge Difference

A BYOD Strategy Can Make a Huge Difference

There are plenty of reasons - including employee satisfaction, productivity benefits, and cost savings, to boot - that many organizations have adopted BYOD (or Bring Your Own Device) policies. Having said that, it is important that you have a few guidelines and other policies firmly established concerning your employees’ secure use of their own devices… policies, such as:

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Is Your Network Up to Speed?

Is Your Network Up to Speed?

In today’s day and age, it is effectively unheard of for a business not to rely on the Internet in some shape or form. This means that maintaining a well-functioning network is of increased importance for businesses of all sizes, which in turn will require you to make a few critical determinations. Here, we’ll examine some of the factors that may indicate your networking equipment is due for a refresh.

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Leveraging the Cloud For Your Backup Needs

Leveraging the Cloud For Your Backup Needs

Regardless of what you do, it’s a good bet that your business creates a lot of data. Some of which is completely essential to its sustainability. In order to protect it against data loss and disaster, you will need data backup. Today’s best options leverage cloud computing to ensure redundancy and availability. Today, we’ll take a look at data backup and how choosing one that incorporates cloud services can actually save your business.

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6 Reasons to Leverage Managed Services: 2. Support Options

6 Reasons to Leverage Managed Services: 2. Support Options

It wasn’t too long ago that in order for business technology to be fixed, or to undergo general maintenance, it either needed to be brought to a specialist’s location or for the specialist to come to yours. Nowadays, this isn’t so much the case. As we continue our blog series on the benefits offered by a managed service provider, let’s consider the support options available.

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6 Reasons to Leverage Managed Services: 1. Proactive Services

6 Reasons to Leverage Managed Services: 1. Proactive Services

In business today, productivity is one of the most focused-upon metrics out there. One of the most effective ways for businesses to optimize their productivity is by taking advantage of some of the value that managed services provide. To kick off our blog series on how managed services can be a valuable addition to any business, we’re looking at how being proactive can protect this productivity.

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Save Your Business with Solid Backup Strategies

Save Your Business with Solid Backup Strategies

Know it or not, your business takes in and creates a lot of data. Most of this data, like most items and information, isn’t worth much. Some of it, however, is crucial to your business’ ability to operate. If a situation comes along where you are faced with the prospect of losing your data, it will be much better to have a backup plan in place than not.

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Do You Need Cybersecurity Insurance?

Do You Need Cybersecurity Insurance?

Today, keeping your network and computing infrastructure free from threats is the best way to control the security of your organization’s data. Any business that actively confronts their risks realizes early on that cybercrime has become a major problem that their business has to be kept insulated from. Unfortunately for many organizations, no matter how much your business spends on network security, all it takes is one misstep by someone who has access to your organization’s sensitive information to cause a major problem.

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You Don’t Hear About the Small Businesses That Get Breached

You Don’t Hear About the Small Businesses That Get Breached

It feels like every week we learn about another big business or bank or municipality getting hacked, and the data of their customers getting stolen.

Big organizations are losing millions of dollars, forcing their hand to run damage control to millions of customers and deal with crushingly bad press. Beyond feeling a little numb to these cyberattacks (more on this in a moment), many small business owners might be feeling pretty lucky they don’t need to deal with these types of threats. Unfortunately, they are dead wrong.

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Six Critical Small Business Mistakes to Avoid

Six Critical Small Business Mistakes to Avoid

There are many obstacles that any business owner needs to avoid in order to keep themselves from backsliding like Sisyphus did in Greek myth. Some of these obstacles may not be the first that come to mind, either. Here, we’ll review six mistakes that a business owner can make that can prevent them from reaching their goals. 

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Artificial intelligence has become one of the most talked-about technologies throughout every sector of society. It’s being widely used in business, education, and civic life. We want to focus on the latter element and discuss how the U.S. Department...

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San Diego, California 92101