Data Net Blog

Data Net Blog

Data Net has been serving the California area since 1983, providing IT Support such as technical helpdesk support, computer support, and consulting to small and medium-sized businesses.

I have worked actively in the Information Technology field since 1983. My certifications and work experience includes Cisco, Citrix, Intel, Microsoft, Veeam and VMware. I have spent much of my professional career training and supervising IT and other line of business processes.

6 Reasons to Leverage Managed Services: 2. Support Options

6 Reasons to Leverage Managed Services: 2. Support Options

It wasn’t too long ago that in order for business technology to be fixed, or to undergo general maintenance, it either needed to be brought to a specialist’s location or for the specialist to come to yours. Nowadays, this isn’t so much the case. As we continue our blog series on the benefits offered by a managed service provider, let’s consider the support options available.

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6 Reasons to Leverage Managed Services: 1. Proactive Services

6 Reasons to Leverage Managed Services: 1. Proactive Services

In business today, productivity is one of the most focused-upon metrics out there. One of the most effective ways for businesses to optimize their productivity is by taking advantage of some of the value that managed services provide. To kick off our blog series on how managed services can be a valuable addition to any business, we’re looking at how being proactive can protect this productivity.

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How Video Conferencing Proves Its Value to Businesses

How Video Conferencing Proves Its Value to Businesses

When so much to do with business nowadays relies on collaboration, it only makes sense that the solutions that enable this kind of cooperation would be seen as assets. Take video conferencing solutions - while many of their benefits may seem obvious, they have additional impacts that may not be initially apparent. Let’s review some of these benefits.

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Save Your Business with Solid Backup Strategies

Save Your Business with Solid Backup Strategies

Know it or not, your business takes in and creates a lot of data. Most of this data, like most items and information, isn’t worth much. Some of it, however, is crucial to your business’ ability to operate. If a situation comes along where you are faced with the prospect of losing your data, it will be much better to have a backup plan in place than not.

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Differentiating Between Compliance and Security

Differentiating Between Compliance and Security

I’m sure you’re familiar with those neat images that can look like multiple things at once - there’s the one with two faces that is somehow also a vase, the rabbit that is also a duck, and many other examples. Sometimes, our technology can seem to be the same way - take IT security and IT compliance. While these two considerations are definitely related, as they both contribute to risk mitigation, they are not the same thing.

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A Look at the Best Smartphones Heading into 2020

A Look at the Best Smartphones Heading into 2020

A person’s smartphone is more than just a phone to most people. In fact, smartphone use is now so expected that companies are now trying to find a way to utilize their employees’ use of their devices rather than keeping them from using them. Today, we thought we would take a look at the current smartphone market. 

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Finding a Work-Around for iMessage Issues

Finding a Work-Around for iMessage Issues

iMessage is one of the most popular messaging apps in the world, and iPhone/iPad users get a nice, seamless integration across all their Apple products. With so many iPhone users using Microsoft Windows 10 PCs, we thought that there must be a way to send and receive iMessages in Windows 10. There are, but it comes with a lot of risks.

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Identifying (and Preventing) Burnout in the Workplace

Identifying (and Preventing) Burnout in the Workplace

One of the most crucial resources in any business are its human ones - the employees that keep the wheels turning, day in and day out. However, like any of your business’ resources, you need to be careful when handling your employees. There is the very real possibility of an employee experiencing an unpleasant state known as burnout.

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DHS Worried About Lack of Cybersecurity Talent

DHS Worried About Lack of Cybersecurity Talent

We spend a lot of time on this blog discussing cybersecurity. Understanding the effects of full-scale cybersecurity attacks is useful, but will only motivate a person or business to do things that will work to keep their network secure. The problem is that when it comes to public computing resources, there isn’t enough being done. 

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Small Business File Sharing and Collaboration

Small Business File Sharing and Collaboration

The more successful your business is, the more files you have. These files need a storage facility. For decades, each file that needed to be kept would be printed off and stored in a file cabinet. Today, there are better solutions; and, since a lot of the work being done today is collaborative, file sharing has really moved to the digital age. Let’s help you do some things you need to do to maintain efficient file management systems.

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Tip of the Week: How to Use Email More Efficiently

Tip of the Week: How to Use Email More Efficiently

Email is almost certainly the most well-known solution that your business uses, so most users probably feel as though they have a pretty good handle on it. However, many of them are probably making things more difficult for themselves - and taking more time than they need to on it. This week, we’ll go over some easy tips to make your use of email more efficient.

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Do You Need Cybersecurity Insurance?

Do You Need Cybersecurity Insurance?

Today, keeping your network and computing infrastructure free from threats is the best way to control the security of your organization’s data. Any business that actively confronts their risks realizes early on that cybercrime has become a major problem that their business has to be kept insulated from. Unfortunately for many organizations, no matter how much your business spends on network security, all it takes is one misstep by someone who has access to your organization’s sensitive information to cause a major problem.

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You Don’t Hear About the Small Businesses That Get Breached

You Don’t Hear About the Small Businesses That Get Breached

It feels like every week we learn about another big business or bank or municipality getting hacked, and the data of their customers getting stolen.

Big organizations are losing millions of dollars, forcing their hand to run damage control to millions of customers and deal with crushingly bad press. Beyond feeling a little numb to these cyberattacks (more on this in a moment), many small business owners might be feeling pretty lucky they don’t need to deal with these types of threats. Unfortunately, they are dead wrong.

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Tip of the Week: How to Identify (and Foil) a Phishing Attack

Tip of the Week: How to Identify (and Foil) a Phishing Attack

Phishing has been gaining notoriety in cybersecurity circles, as it has been used quite successfully in a variety of business infiltrations and data breaches. Many of the more well-known cyberattacks of the last few years were enabled by phishing. In order to protect your business’ interests, you and your team need to be able to identify these social engineering attempts. We’ll go over a few ways to do so for this week’s tip.

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What Will Cybersecurity (Probably) Look Like in the Near Future?

What Will Cybersecurity (Probably) Look Like in the Near Future?

It isn’t exactly news that businesses of all sizes need to be concerned about cyberthreats - especially since, as time passes, these threats have become more serious and insidious. Up until this point, there have been tried-and-true methods that businesses could leverage to stop these threats, but hackers are very clever when it comes to their attacks. What can a business do?

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A Short History of Cybersecurity

A Short History of Cybersecurity

The way a business handles its network security typically defines what kind of problems come from their use of information systems. As a result, cybersecurity has become a major part of any forward-thinking organization’s IT strategy and has become a multi-hundred-billion dollar a year industry. Of course, it wasn’t always such a huge problem. The history of cybersecurity doesn’t go back very far, but since it has such a major impact, we thought it would be interesting to go back a couple decades and look at the brief history of the practice. 

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Tip of the Week: Search Google Better

Tip of the Week: Search Google Better

How many times a day do you search for something on Google? Your answer likely contributes to the fact that Google Search is the most visited website on the internet. In fact, it is so popular that the company’s name is now a verb. Google it! 

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Battery Innovation to Fuel a More Mobile World

Battery Innovation to Fuel a More Mobile World

In today's technology dependent world, smartphones play a critical role. How much do you really know about these devices? Sure, the devices haven’t changed a whole lot in the past decade, but what has changed? Today, we take a look at how smartphone batteries have evolved, and what we will see in the future. 

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Carbon Footprint Reducing Green Technologies

Carbon Footprint Reducing Green Technologies

Not all that long ago, green technologies were known as such for two reasons: yes, they were beneficial to the environment, but they also came at great expense to the businesses leveraging them. This has recently changed. Now, businesses are seeing plenty of reasons to go green, from increased customer appreciation for conservation efforts and, yes, even cost savings.

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Tip of the Week: Managing Your Project Starts With You

Tip of the Week: Managing Your Project Starts With You

Project management is key to the success of all businesses. Luckily, there are great software options that can do a lot for you, if used correctly. Today, we look at project management and share tips to help make sure you are using the software correctly, further organizing your business and success of projects. 

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Artificial intelligence has become one of the most talked-about technologies throughout every sector of society. It’s being widely used in business, education, and civic life. We want to focus on the latter element and discuss how the U.S. Department...

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Data Net
2445 5th Avenue Suite 200
San Diego, California 92101