Data Net Blog

Data Net Blog

Data Net has been serving the California area since 1983, providing IT Support such as technical helpdesk support, computer support, and consulting to small and medium-sized businesses.

I have worked actively in the Information Technology field since 1983. My certifications and work experience includes Cisco, Citrix, Intel, Microsoft, Veeam and VMware. I have spent much of my professional career training and supervising IT and other line of business processes.

What Impact Might Wearable Technology Have on Your Business?

What Impact Might Wearable Technology Have on Your Business?

Wearable technology is all over the place in your office, whether you realize it or not. Consider how many of your employees wear smartwatches or health trackers. All of these devices tend to enrich the lives of those who use them, but they can quickly become network security risks if you aren’t prepared to handle them on your company network. Let’s go over what you need to consider to protect your business from wearable technology.

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Give Your Business a Leg Up with These 4 Technology Practices

Give Your Business a Leg Up with These 4 Technology Practices

Technology has become a fundamental need for businesses of all sizes, with even small businesses needing to seek out options to cover their shifting needs. Fortunately, this technology has also become more reliable and readily available…and as a result, small businesses have more opportunities than ever to give their operations a welcome boost.

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Ransomware vs. other malware attacks


There is no end to the volume and type of malware out there in cyberspace. For a very long time, organizations were aware that viruses could attack their data, render it corrupted and unusable. They were also aware that malware was used to steal data and use it for–primarily–monetary gain. Sell off banks of credit card numbers, steal identities, re-sell Social Security numbers, etc.

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Locked Out of Your MFA? You May Still Have Some Options…

Locked Out of Your MFA? You May Still Have Some Options…

Uh oh. You were trying to be more secure and decided to set up multi-factor authentication. However, you’ve just discovered how important the other factors are when it comes to authenticating your identity. Yes, you’ve found yourself unable to access your means of authenticating yourself.

So…what do you do now?

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Three common sense data safety reminders


When it comes to smaller and medium sized businesses, anything that distracts from the day to day concerns about bringing in revenue tends to fall by the wayside. With that in mind, we have put together a list of seven things that a small business needs to prioritize if you want to keep your business up and running. Remember, a cyber attack on your data security could be the biggest threat to your revenues that you face, even more serious than a recession or a pandemic

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Need to Get Things Done? Try Taking a Power Hour

Need to Get Things Done? Try Taking a Power Hour

If we asked you to identify the one hour of your day when you get the most done, would you be able to tell us? Even more interestingly, do you know how to get the most out of your so-called “power hour?” Let’s take a look at some of the theories about how you can make the most out of your most productive time in the workplace.

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Storage Sense Gives You More Space in Windows 11

Storage Sense Gives You More Space in Windows 11

One of the nice things about the Windows operating system is how many bells and whistles there are to benefit the user. Take, for example, Storage Sense, which is intended to help you deal with some file storage issues that are only too common both at the office and at home. Let’s take a closer look at Storage Sense and how knowing about its capabilities can be so helpful.

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7 Cybersecurity basics to never forget

7 Cybersecurity basics to never forget

No matter how much people hear “data safety,” they still can get sloppy about their cybersecurity. One of the reasons is that there are so many constant reminders that the warnings just become that much more background noise. Today, let's do a quick review of the ones you hear most about ( and most likely to forget about) Passwords.

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Tip of the Week: How to Build a Strong Password

Tip of the Week: How to Build a Strong Password

Cybersecurity has never been more important. There are millions of scams sent out every day that are ultimately targeting you and your employees’ password-secured accounts. Today, we are going to give you some tips on how to create passwords that work best to protect your data and information systems. 

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Two quick ways to protect your data


Looking for a few ways to quickly protect your data and IT infrastructure from cybercriminals? Here are two great places to start. The first is so obvious that almost everyone overlooks it, especially in smaller companies where there is little time for proactive training on any topic.

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3 Actions You Can Take to Keep Rapid Growth From Ruining Your Business

3 Actions You Can Take to Keep Rapid Growth From Ruining Your Business

Make no mistake, you want your business to grow. There is no better sign that you are resonating with customers and providing the value you set out to deliver. Unfortunately, for a lot of companies, they simply aren’t prepared when their product or service takes off and it ends up ruining what could be a very good thing. Today, we’ll take a look at three actions you can take to keep your business humming along when it sees extraordinary growth. 

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Getting Suspicious Messages? They Are Probably Phishing Attacks

Getting Suspicious Messages? They Are Probably Phishing Attacks

Phishing is a word that has a couple of different meanings, depending on the spelling and context. Fishing, like the act of sitting down with a pole and trying to catch a fish, can be a relaxing, leisurely activity. Phishing, with a “ph,” is anything but that, and it can be a tiring and scary situation to navigate—particularly if you or one of your employees have fallen victim to an attack.

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Your Board should be helping you look out for the future


Like most small business owners, unless you hit the lottery and started capitalizing your business all by yourself, you probably have some key shareholders who serve on your Board of Directors. You may also be finding that they are increasingly concerned about strategies to assess risk management. Most small businesses tend to overlook risk management issues—they usually just don’t have the time. Every minute is spent building the businesses and making sales. Operations and sales consume 120 percent of a small business owner’s time. In this e-guide, we’ll do a quick run-through of some topics that you may wish to address with your board as you collaborate to protect your business from cybercrime, as well as other negative events.

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Get More Control Over Your Sales Process with Technology

Get More Control Over Your Sales Process with Technology

The sales process is an integral part of every business. How to get your products and services in front of prospective customers is the big mystery that every business has to solve. Technology can really help improve your business’ sales process. Today, we will look at a couple of technologies that work wonders to help your sales team be more effective. 

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Two places where you need risk management planning


If you started your small business with an inheritance, great news! Congratulations. But most likely you have a board of directors; initial investors whose focus is on the long term success of the company, on strategies for future growth and protection of their investment. Part of their concern will be threats and risks to the present business. Here are two final topics that you, and they should be focussing on when making strategic risk management plans.

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Explaining the Work Profile Feature in Android

Explaining the Work Profile Feature in Android

Most people use their smartphones more than any other computing tool, and businesses must adapt to these trends if they want their employees to be as productive as possible. Businesses can capitalize on their employees’ smartphone use if they are strategic in their implementation of mobile device tools and strategies—including work profiles on Android devices.

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Critical Thinking is Crucial to Solid IT Management

Critical Thinking is Crucial to Solid IT Management

One thing that will always be useful in business and in life is the ability to think critically. You might find that it’s even more helpful when considering decisions related to your IT infrastructure, too. Let’s go over how you can foster these skills within yourself and your employees.

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Is your Board addressing these two issues?


We’ve been talking about how your Board and shareholders have a vested interest in understanding and overseeing how your company will defend itself against the effects of cybercrime. Here are two more areas where you will need to have plans and your board should be focused on how they will be handled

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IoT-Based Data Can Transform a Small Business

IoT-Based Data Can Transform a Small Business

When people talk about the growth of technology in business, no small part of that is what the Internet of Things makes possible. From cost control, to automated scheduling, to helping build operational efficiency, the IoT can present a lot of interesting benefits for a business if you strategically implement systems designed to use the data created by smart devices. Let’s take a look at some of the ways IoT works for small businesses.

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Your Board and risk management


For small business owners, it may seem your daily energy is caught up with just keeping the doors open and revenues coming in. However, unless you were very fortunate when you started up, you have a board of directors; most likely initial investors whose focus is on the long-term success of the company and on strategies for future growth. Part of their concern will be threats and risks to the present business. A particular concern may be the risks to the business in the case of a cyber-attack. Small businesses are just as vulnerable to cyber attacks as large companies. However, they are far less likely to have the resources to recover.

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Artificial intelligence has become one of the most talked-about technologies throughout every sector of society. It’s being widely used in business, education, and civic life. We want to focus on the latter element and discuss how the U.S. Department...

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Data Net
2445 5th Avenue Suite 200
San Diego, California 92101