Data Net Blog

Data Net Blog

Data Net has been serving the California area since 1983, providing IT Support such as technical helpdesk support, computer support, and consulting to small and medium-sized businesses.

I have worked actively in the Information Technology field since 1983. My certifications and work experience includes Cisco, Citrix, Intel, Microsoft, Veeam and VMware. I have spent much of my professional career training and supervising IT and other line of business processes.

What to Do Before Your Phone is Stolen, and After

What to Do Before Your Phone is Stolen, and After

Anyone that has lost their smartphone knows it is a rather traumatic experience. Not only is your entire life on the phone, likely so is your work. With smartphones becoming a major part of doing business, and their use for business purposes, a lost device can cause major headaches. Today, we will go over some strategies you can implement to mitigate the damage if/when you or one of your employees loses a device with sensitive company information on it.

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Tip of the Week: How to Simplify Your Inventory Management

Tip of the Week: How to Simplify Your Inventory Management

It doesn’t matter how large your company is, or how much information technology that you have to maintain and collect, keeping it organized can be challenging. With any company with a lot of different and important operations, it’s crucial that you have processes put into place that documents where and how each of your moving parts is being used. To this end, having a way to inventory your technology can be helpful for keeping track of where your devices, and more importantly, your data is.

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The Tangled History of Wireless Charging

The Tangled History of Wireless Charging

Wireless charging is a true conundrum. Sure, it’s a brilliant idea. On the surface, there are no drawbacks. No more charging cords or adapters, unless you count the one that will always be plugged into the wall. Today we take a look at wireless charging, why it hasn’t taken over yet, and future options that will let us really charge our devices wirelessly. 

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Keep Security in Mind on Social Media

Keep Security in Mind on Social Media

Social media was created with the intent of staying in touch with others, but it comes with nasty repercussions. It comes at significant risk to both your personal and professional security. How can you make sure that your social media usage isn’t putting your organization at risk of compromisation or worse? The first thing that you want to take into account is awareness.

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Tech Term of the Week: Hard Drives

Tech Term of the Week: Hard Drives

If there’s one piece of computer hardware that almost everyone knows about, it would have to be the hard drive. However, it is not so easy to say that everyone knows what it does, how it works, or even the differences between the two types. That’s why we’re exploring hard drives for this week’s Tech Term!

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Building a Better Data Backup

Building a Better Data Backup

Your data is valuable, and therefore, it has to be protected. One of the best ways to protect your data from any type of threat is by implementing a strong backup program. But how do you go about putting in a backup platform that makes sense for your business. Today, we will talk about enterprise data backup and how to take reliable backups.

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Three Signs that Your Security Policies Need to be Refreshed

Three Signs that Your Security Policies Need to be Refreshed

It makes sense that your organization would want the best security possible and to mitigate the risks that it faces, whether they are physical or virtual. However, there is no definition for “perfect” security, as there isn’t one solution that can completely meet all of your business’ specific needs. As a result, you want to set realistic goals for yourself so that security doesn’t become difficult to gauge.

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Tip of the Week: How to Pick the Best Wireless Headphones for You

Tip of the Week: How to Pick the Best Wireless Headphones for You

A reliable pair of headphones is swiftly becoming an office necessity, and wireless capabilities have improved enough to make a wireless set comparable to its wired counterpart. However, there are plenty of other considerations for you to make when selecting a pair to help boost your productivity. For this week’s tip, we’ll review some of these deliberations.

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Ransomware Attack Strikes Atlanta

Ransomware Attack Strikes Atlanta

Ransomware can target all kinds of entities, but one of the most devastating attacks in recent memory was launched against Atlanta, Georgia earlier this year. Atlanta suffered from an incredibly sustained and powerful ransomware attack that disabled much of the municipal government.

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Is it Better to Shut Off Your Computer, or Just Put it to Sleep?

Is it Better to Shut Off Your Computer, or Just Put it to Sleep?

It’s the end of the day, and you’re faced with a dilemma - shut down your workstation, or simply put it to sleep for the night? This is a topic that is debated quite often. We’ll compare the positive and negative aspects of both approaches to identify which is the better option.

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Tip of the Week: 4 Dead Giveaways That an App is Fake

Tip of the Week: 4 Dead Giveaways That an App is Fake

The applications on a mobile device allow us to use that device in a number of ways, from productivity, to entertainment, to networking. However, despite the efforts of Google to keep out the riff raff, the Google Play Store has plenty of malware available to download in the guise of a desired app. Today, we’ll review a few tricks to help you spot them before pressing ‘Install.’

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Understanding a Government’s Approach to IT

Understanding a Government’s Approach to IT

IT is important for more than just businesses. Governments and other similar organizations that handle top-secret information or important operations should also dedicate considerable resources to guaranteeing security and efficiency to the best of their ability. In the wake of so many dangerous entities, governments are having trouble keeping up with the latest trends, often at their own expense. What can your business learn from this development?

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Internet Troubles? The Reason May Be a Simple One

Internet Troubles? The Reason May Be a Simple One

A slow Internet connection should be the least of our worries, but somehow, this most minor of inconveniences can be one of the most frustrating experiences in modern computing. Fortunately, there are a few ways to potentially improve your connection. At the very least, they might help to explain why your connection suffers.

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Tech Term of the Week: Dongle

Tech Term of the Week: Dongle

Words are always changing to meet the needs of the times. As they grow in usage, new words are added to dictionaries on a daily basis. Today’s Tech Term, dongle, is one of these words. Have you ever heard it being used before? It might sound a bit silly at first, but dongle is a word that is used in technology more often than you might think.

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What to Expect of Ransomware this Year

What to Expect of Ransomware this Year

Ransomware exploded in 2017, and after a year with as much success as these attacks saw, it is no wonder that 2018 is expected to see more. However, in order to remain successful, ransomware will have to change and improve. In today’s blog, we explore a few predictions as to how this threat will do so.

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Are You Able to Identify Malicious Links?

Are You Able to Identify Malicious Links?

The Internet is gaining quite the reputation as a dangerous place. It hosts countless threats, many of which hide behind links that shield their intentions. Considering how much is on the line for your business, you need to make sure that you know which links are safe to click on, and which ones are best left ignored.

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Tip of the Week: Managing your Cloud Data

Tip of the Week: Managing your Cloud Data

There’s no denying the importance of data management for businesses, but companies that utilize cloud-based data storage and infrastructure access have to be extra aware. How can your business ensure that your data storage methods are working for you, and not against you? For this week’s tip, we’ll discuss some of the ways that businesses can best use their cloud-based data storage without compromising efficiency.

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IT Security Starts and Ends With Your Staff

IT Security Starts and Ends With Your Staff

We wish IT security was as simple as setting up a good firewall and installing an antivirus. We talk a lot about security solutions that cover a lot of your bases, such as our Unified Threat Management (UTM) system. While these enterprise-level solutions are important, any investment in protecting your network can be upended by a single act of user error.

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Antivirus Fights More than Just Viruses

Antivirus Fights More than Just Viruses

Antivirus is one of the simplest means of protecting a computer network, but that doesn't necessarily mean that a business should overlook the benefits of having an antivirus. If a business doesn’t have antivirus on its systems, it’s usually because they really don’t believe they are in any danger. The harsh reality emerges after a data breach. Regardless of its size, any business holds the kind of data that would draw in thieves and rogues. From Social Security numbers to credit card numbers to many other kinds of personally identifiable information, businesses possess plenty of data that can bring in a pretty penny on the black market.

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Tech Term: Spam

Tech Term: Spam

Spam: it’s something that just about every computer user has heard of, and knows is bad. However, how much do you really know about spam? For today’s Tech Term, we’ll slice into the different types of spam, as well as some theories as to where the term itself originated.

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Artificial intelligence has become one of the most talked-about technologies throughout every sector of society. It’s being widely used in business, education, and civic life. We want to focus on the latter element and discuss how the U.S. Department...

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San Diego, California 92101