Data Net Blog

Data Net Blog

Data Net has been serving the California area since 1983, providing IT Support such as technical helpdesk support, computer support, and consulting to small and medium-sized businesses.

Cybercrime is Worse Than You Think

Cybercrime is Worse Than You Think

Cybercrime is often thought of as a loner’s game. There is this misconception that all hacks are carried out by hoodie-clad people in dark corners of a room. Nothing could be further from the truth. Today, we will take a brief look at organized cybercrime and why its growth is an ominous sign for businesses.

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Can Zero-Day Threats Actually Make Chrome More Secure?

Can Zero-Day Threats Actually Make Chrome More Secure?

Google Chrome is a widely used and popular web browser, and because of its popularity, it is a common target for hackers. A recent study showcases how there are more zero-day threats being discovered for Google Chrome, but don’t despair; it might not be a bad thing for your favorite web browser. Instead, it could signify exactly the opposite.

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Choosing to Enact a Zero-Trust IT Security Policy Can Significantly Reduce Problems

Choosing to Enact a Zero-Trust IT Security Policy Can Significantly Reduce Problems

It’s often difficult to figure out who and what you should trust with your business’ cybersecurity. How can you know for sure that each individual accessing your infrastructure is secured from threats? A zero-trust model can help by providing reassurance that everyone accessing your network is who they say they are.

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3 Cybersecurity Strategies Every Modern Business Must Think About

3 Cybersecurity Strategies Every Modern Business Must Think About

If your business struggles with network security, you’re not alone. It’s one of the most challenging parts of running a business, and even if you do invest a ton of time, effort, and money into your security systems, chances are you could still be doing at least something better. Today, we want to talk about three ways you can improve your company’s security without completely draining your bank account.

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You Actually Might Be Shocked at How Much a Ransomware Attack Costs the Average Business

You Actually Might Be Shocked at How Much a Ransomware Attack Costs the Average Business

Despite most security professionals advocating against making ransomware payments, according to a study by Mimecast titled “The State of Ransomware Readiness,” the United States has the highest average payment for ransomware out of the entire world at more than $6 million per victim. This number is shockingly high, as is the amount of people who are still paying the ransom.

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You Can’t Take Your Network’s Security for Granted

You Can’t Take Your Network’s Security for Granted

It’s easy to see the headlines and think that a major data breach cannot happen to your business, but this is a dangerous mindset to hold. If you aren’t taking cybersecurity seriously these days, then you’re making a huge mistake. You need to implement security measures now before it’s too late.

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What Threat is a Small Business Really Under?

What Threat is a Small Business Really Under?

Small businesses face a lot of risks, one obvious one being the threat of potential cybercrime and how its influence can impact their businesses. Let’s consider how these influences have taken shape, and the challenges that small and medium-sized businesses must now face as a result.

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Credential Stuffing and How It Can Lead to a Data Breach

Credential Stuffing and How It Can Lead to a Data Breach

Right now, a lot of people have had a lot more time on their hands than they typically would, so many of them are spending a lot of time on the assorted streaming services to entertain themselves. Unfortunately, cybercriminals have taken note. In light of all this, it seems like an apt time to discuss a particular threat known as credential stuffing.

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Ransomware is a Nasty Thing to Get

Ransomware is a Nasty Thing to Get

Chances are, you’ve heard the term “ransomware” before. If you’re familiar with this particularly nasty bit of malware, the rest of this blog will be a familiar review. If you’re new to the term, let’s introduce you to the mean-spirited cyberattack known as ransomware.

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What Can Be Learned from the Most Recent DBIR

What Can Be Learned from the Most Recent DBIR

Since 2008, Verizon has released an annual report that details the cybersecurity incident trends from the beginning of the year. As usual, this year’s edition provided some insights into the patterns witnessed in 2019, hopefully giving us a greater appreciation for how cybercriminals are shaping their attacks. Let’s go over some of the trends that the Verizon Business 2020 Data Breach Investigations Report (DBIR) revealed to us.

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DHS Worried About Lack of Cybersecurity Talent

DHS Worried About Lack of Cybersecurity Talent

We spend a lot of time on this blog discussing cybersecurity. Understanding the effects of full-scale cybersecurity attacks is useful, but will only motivate a person or business to do things that will work to keep their network secure. The problem is that when it comes to public computing resources, there isn’t enough being done. 

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A Short History of Cybersecurity

A Short History of Cybersecurity

The way a business handles its network security typically defines what kind of problems come from their use of information systems. As a result, cybersecurity has become a major part of any forward-thinking organization’s IT strategy and has become a multi-hundred-billion dollar a year industry. Of course, it wasn’t always such a huge problem. The history of cybersecurity doesn’t go back very far, but since it has such a major impact, we thought it would be interesting to go back a couple decades and look at the brief history of the practice. 

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Tip of the Week: Use the Lessons Learned in 2017 to Improve 2018’s Cybersecurity

Tip of the Week: Use the Lessons Learned in 2017 to Improve 2018’s Cybersecurity

2017 was chock-full of security threats, attacks, and breaches. Therefore, 2017 was also chock-full of lessons to be learned regarding business cybersecurity. For this week’s tip, we’ll review a few lessons that hopefully weren’t missed.

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It’s Cybersecurity Awareness Month! Educate Yourself on These Threats

It’s Cybersecurity Awareness Month! Educate Yourself on These Threats

October is Cybersecurity Awareness Month! To prepare for this incredibly important month, you’ll want to focus your efforts on ensuring your business is protected against the myriad of online threats that can pose a danger for your business. Thankfully, you don’t have to do it alone. With our trusted IT professionals by your side, you’ll be able to take the fight to hackers and other entities that threaten your data.

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A Thorough Cybersecurity Strategy Begins with Knowing What You Are up Against

A Thorough Cybersecurity Strategy Begins with Knowing What You Are up Against

Since many modern businesses rely on technology, it becomes mandatory that they have an idea on how to best protect themselves against the myriad of threats that can be found online. Knowing what kind of threats that you may encounter is key to concocting a thorough cybersecurity strategy.

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Are You Guilty of These Careless Security Flaws?

Are You Guilty of These Careless Security Flaws?

Did you know that a surprising number of data breaches are the result of insider threats? Insider threats are defined as data exposure, either malicious by nature or unintentional, that results from the actions of an employee in your workforce. With so many threats out there, it’s easy to forget that some of the most dangerous are right within your walls. How can you keep insider threats from becoming a major problem for your organization?

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Businesses Expected to Spend $96 Billion this Year on IT Security

Businesses Expected to Spend $96 Billion this Year on IT Security

A report by Gartner has provided evidence that security considerations are anticipated to see investments in 2018. So, if you were planning on focusing on your business’ information security this year, you certainly aren’t the only one.

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A Short Look at 2018 in Cybersecurity

A Short Look at 2018 in Cybersecurity

Hackers and other security threats are everyday problems for users all over the world. We’re not even talking about just simple phishing emails--you’d be surprised by how many victims are from straight-up hacking attacks. The security sector has been forced to adapt, growing at an astronomical rate. To help your organization get up to speed on the latest threats and hacks, we’ve put together a list of the first half of 2018’s most notorious breaches and statistics related to them.

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Your Network Infrastructure Needs to be Secured

Your Network Infrastructure Needs to be Secured

If your business isn’t protecting its technology infrastructure, you need to rethink your priorities immediately. After all, hackers aren’t going to wait for your business to secure itself. They will instead seize any easy opportunity to steal your organization’s sensitive data. There are countless threats out there that want to take advantage of your business, or at least see your sensitive data on-sale at the online black market. We’ll walk you through some of the most important factors regarding your organization’s security.

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Three Signs that Your Security Policies Need to be Refreshed

Three Signs that Your Security Policies Need to be Refreshed

It makes sense that your organization would want the best security possible and to mitigate the risks that it faces, whether they are physical or virtual. However, there is no definition for “perfect” security, as there isn’t one solution that can completely meet all of your business’ specific needs. As a result, you want to set realistic goals for yourself so that security doesn’t become difficult to gauge.

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Artificial intelligence has become one of the most talked-about technologies throughout every sector of society. It’s being widely used in business, education, and civic life. We want to focus on the latter element and discuss how the U.S. Department...

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