Data Net Blog

Data Net Blog

Data Net has been serving the California area since 1983, providing IT Support such as technical helpdesk support, computer support, and consulting to small and medium-sized businesses.

All You Need to Know Before Buying a Computer, Part V

All You Need to Know Before Buying a Computer, Part V

In the previous parts of this computer buying guide, we discussed how to determine the specifications for your desired PC, including CPU, RAM, storage, and display options. In this final part, we’ll cover some ideas that didn’t quite fit into the previous parts.

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All You Need to Know Before Buying a Computer, Part IV

All You Need to Know Before Buying a Computer, Part IV

Your desktop needs a monitor or a screen to plug into it, so let’s discuss some of the options and considerations you should keep in mind when purchasing a new display. Chief among these are how many monitors you’ll need, the graphics type, and the specs associated with each of the monitors.

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All You Need to Know Before Buying a Computer, Part III

All You Need to Know Before Buying a Computer, Part III

We’ve reached part three of our guide to buying a new computer. As you’re comparison shopping, you’ll probably notice that there are a few options regarding their storage. This is true of most modern gadgets, like smartphones and tablets. iPhones can come with 64 GB (gigabytes) of storage, or you can invest in a model with 128 GB. However, when selecting a computer (desktop or laptop), its memory is especially important to its performance.

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All You Need to Know About Buying a Computer, Part II

All You Need to Know About Buying a Computer, Part II

Part two of our desktop buying guide is dedicated to RAM, or random access memory. Many users find this difficult to understand, so we’ll do our best to explain it and emphasize how important it is to ensure you get the best build possible for your new computer.

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All You Need to Know Before Buying a Computer, Part I

All You Need to Know Before Buying a Computer, Part I

If you are looking to purchase a new desktop for your office or your home, you need to ask yourself several difficult questions to get the most bang for your buck. This is a five-part blog that will help you determine the right computer for the job. In this article, you’ll learn how to select the right CPU, or central processing unit.

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Tip of the Week: Properly Cleaning a Laptop

Tip of the Week: Properly Cleaning a Laptop

If you’re viewing this page on a laptop right now, I have some bad news. Studies have indicated that the keyboard you’ve been typing on is actually dirtier than a toilet seat. Pretty gross, huh? However, the last thing you want to do is ruin your laptop as you clean it… that’s why we’re reviewing the process of safely cleaning it - starting from the screen and moving on from there.

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Tablet Sales are Dipping--Here’s a Few Reasons Why

Tablet Sales are Dipping--Here’s a Few Reasons Why

There was once a time that it was expected that the tablet would overtake PCs as the computing device of choice, but the steady decline of tablet sales would suggest that was a prediction that missed the mark. The question is--why? As it turns out, there are a few reasons that the tablet isn’t performing as expected.

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Intro to Your Tech: RAM

Intro to Your Tech: RAM

This week for our Intro to Your Tech series, we’re going inside the heart of the computer. Random Access Memory, better known as RAM, is an important part of your computing experience. RAM is often cited as one of the main components listed when someone is looking to sell a computer, but what is it and what does it do?

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Artificial intelligence has become one of the most talked-about technologies throughout every sector of society. It’s being widely used in business, education, and civic life. We want to focus on the latter element and discuss how the U.S. Department...

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