Data Net Blog

Data Net Blog

Data Net has been serving the California area since 1983, providing IT Support such as technical helpdesk support, computer support, and consulting to small and medium-sized businesses.

Blockchain Has Applications for Many Industries

Blockchain Has Applications for Many Industries

While blockchain technologies may have entered the public awareness thanks to cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, this is far from the technology’s only application. We wanted to take a few minutes and explore how the blockchain’s features promise many benefits to established and emerging industries.

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Use Digital Signage to Your Business’ Benefit

Use Digital Signage to Your Business’ Benefit

Some of the best technologies blend in with everyday life. For example, smart speakers are designed in a way to be both functional and inconspicuous. Conversely, some technology that you may have dismissed initially can present some serious benefits for your company. One of those technologies is the digital sign. 

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Today’s Technology Trends for SMBs

Today’s Technology Trends for SMBs

Most companies lean pretty heavily on their technology. They typically invest in tried-and-true technology solutions to cover their operational problems, while trying to find innovative tools that return higher yields on their investments. For 2020, there are a few trends most SMBs are going to want to take head on. They include:

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Tip of the Week: Properly Cleaning Your Laptop

Tip of the Week: Properly Cleaning Your Laptop

When you consider all that the typical workstation has to endure (potentially grubby hands poking at it all day, crumbs, sneezes, you get the idea), there is little wonder that our devices can get so dirty. Here, we’ll be discussing how to properly clean your device.

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How a Firewall Helps Protect Your Systems

How a Firewall Helps Protect Your Systems

As the data that you store on your business’ computers is valuable, it is inherently a desirable target to cybercriminals and scammers alike. This means that it is in your best interest to have comprehensive protections in place to protect this data from their activities. Let’s go over exactly what a firewall is, and how they make up a critical portion of your business’ defenses.

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Hosted Desktops and How They May Be Right for You

Hosted Desktops and How They May Be Right for You

Upgrading your business’ technology can be extraordinarily expensive. If you’ve been using the same desktops for years, but don't necessarily have the money to upgrade your whole business’ IT, an option that you can consider is deploying a hosted desktop. Today, we will define exactly what a hosted desktop is, and why it is a good solution for companies that are in a bind. 

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Virtual Assistants are Everywhere… What Will This Mean at Work?

Virtual Assistants are Everywhere… What Will This Mean at Work?

Virtual assistants are everywhere. Either a device can be controlled with them, or it has the assistant built into it natively, and they are now common in the home and the office alike. In fact, their daily use in the workplace has been predicted by Gartner to reach 25 percent by 2021.

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A Look at the Top Smartphones Heading Into 2020

A Look at the Top Smartphones Heading Into 2020

Across the board, smartphones are useful. People can manage their home, work, and social lives through their phone. They can feed their pets, order food, and get about anywhere with the use of a smartphone. As 2020 descends upon us, we thought it would be smart to take a look at some of the top smartphones you can buy.

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What Technologies Should Businesses Prepare For?

What Technologies Should Businesses Prepare For?

As the holiday season we just survived shows us, new technology can be a really popular topic, especially for consumers. Businesses, on the other hand, have a lot of their excitement tempered by how much of a risk new tech presents - something could just as easily be a game-changer for their operations as it could prove to be a major source of problems that ultimately creates huge issues.

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3 Ways a VPN Can Benefit Your Business

3 Ways a VPN Can Benefit Your Business

The Internet is an indispensable tool, that much is certain. Unfortunately, the only other certainty is that there are millions of people on the Internet looking to intercept data, breach networks, and steal anything they can. That is why your business spends those extra precious dollars on cybersecurity. One tool that isn’t always mentioned as a part of a cybersecurity strategy is the virtual private network, or VPN. 

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Finding a Work-Around for iMessage Issues

Finding a Work-Around for iMessage Issues

iMessage is one of the most popular messaging apps in the world, and iPhone/iPad users get a nice, seamless integration across all their Apple products. With so many iPhone users using Microsoft Windows 10 PCs, we thought that there must be a way to send and receive iMessages in Windows 10. There are, but it comes with a lot of risks.

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Ramp Up Distribution with Fleet Management Tools

Ramp Up Distribution with Fleet Management Tools

The Internet has made it possible to purchase goods and services so easily that we need new people to blame when we don’t have those purchases in hand in less than 72 hours. The speed in which shipping is capable nowadays is the result of superior logistics. If your business is beginning to utilize ecommerce, or if it has trouble with the costs associated with the distribution of your goods, a fleet management system could be the solution to your problems. 

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How Exactly Can VoIP Save You Money?

How Exactly Can VoIP Save You Money?

Many business owners like to crunch the numbers in order to fully understand where their hard-earned money is going. Essential business communication tools are just one of the things that are under your expense's category. However, phone service is dwindling across the globe, much in part due to the benefits associated with VoIP, or Voice over Internet Protocol. 

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How Video Conferencing Proves Its Value to Businesses

How Video Conferencing Proves Its Value to Businesses

When so much to do with business nowadays relies on collaboration, it only makes sense that the solutions that enable this kind of cooperation would be seen as assets. Take video conferencing solutions - while many of their benefits may seem obvious, they have additional impacts that may not be initially apparent. Let’s review some of these benefits.

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A Look at the Best Smartphones Heading into 2020

A Look at the Best Smartphones Heading into 2020

A person’s smartphone is more than just a phone to most people. In fact, smartphone use is now so expected that companies are now trying to find a way to utilize their employees’ use of their devices rather than keeping them from using them. Today, we thought we would take a look at the current smartphone market. 

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Small Business File Sharing and Collaboration

Small Business File Sharing and Collaboration

The more successful your business is, the more files you have. These files need a storage facility. For decades, each file that needed to be kept would be printed off and stored in a file cabinet. Today, there are better solutions; and, since a lot of the work being done today is collaborative, file sharing has really moved to the digital age. Let’s help you do some things you need to do to maintain efficient file management systems.

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Battery Innovation to Fuel a More Mobile World

Battery Innovation to Fuel a More Mobile World

In today's technology dependent world, smartphones play a critical role. How much do you really know about these devices? Sure, the devices haven’t changed a whole lot in the past decade, but what has changed? Today, we take a look at how smartphone batteries have evolved, and what we will see in the future. 

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Carbon Footprint Reducing Green Technologies

Carbon Footprint Reducing Green Technologies

Not all that long ago, green technologies were known as such for two reasons: yes, they were beneficial to the environment, but they also came at great expense to the businesses leveraging them. This has recently changed. Now, businesses are seeing plenty of reasons to go green, from increased customer appreciation for conservation efforts and, yes, even cost savings.

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What You Need to Know About Payment Skimmer

What You Need to Know About Payment Skimmer

Payment cards are extremely popular to use nowadays - whether its a debit or credit card, the convenience that they offer simply cannot be denied. Unfortunately, this convenience also makes them a promising threat vector for a scammer to use, via a device called a skimmer.

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Do Not Sacrifice Security for Mobility

Do Not Sacrifice Security for Mobility

As a business owner security should be of the utmost importance to you and your business. Adapting to the modern age means implementing different strategies to adapt to employee physical location, travelling employees, or even employees dealing with circumstantial dilemmas such as health problems or family matters. Whilst your business can experiment with different off-site methods, there should always be one constant: security.

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Artificial intelligence has become one of the most talked-about technologies throughout every sector of society. It’s being widely used in business, education, and civic life. We want to focus on the latter element and discuss how the U.S. Department...

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San Diego, California 92101